3 Ways to Move to Germany: Step by Step Guide for Migrants and Legal Advice

Anyone who intends to acquire German citizenship will have to overcome the following stages:

Become the owner of a long-term visa or residence permit. They are issued for a period of 2 to 5 years, with the possibility of extension. When creating a family with a German citizen, a newly-made resident of Germany is issued a residence permit without an expiration date. Get permanent residence. To do this, you need to start a business in the country, graduate from a university or get a job.

Apply for German citizenship. To do this, you need to live in the country for at least 8 years, and have a long-term residence permit or permanent residence status. In addition, those wishing to obtain a German passport will need to prove their impeccable law-abidingness, explain the reasons for leaving their native country, present documents for housing (either their own or a long-term lease agreement) and confirm fluency in German.

Obtaining a residence permit in Germany: TOP 3 reasons why foreigners are granted a residence permit (aka Aufenthaltserlaubnis) allows you to stay in the country for a certain period, after which the validity of the document can be extended. Initially, the card is issued for 1-3 years; as a rule, it takes up to 3 months to issue it from the date of application.

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