Russian troublemaker band Pussy Riot kept in Switzerland over enemy of war spray painting

Individuals from the Russian troublemaker bunch Pussy Riot were kept by police close to the Swiss city of Bern on Monday night for showering hostile to war spray painting.

Alexander Cheparukhin, the gathering’s maker, told the Mediazone media source that Masha Alekhina, Lucy Shtein and Taso Pletner were cuffed and confined, with cops saying they could be fined or even removed from Switzerland. Be that as it may, they were delivered a couple of hours after the fact. Swiss police said it really depended on the proprietor of the graffitied wall whether to squeeze charges.

An assertion on the gathering’s Facebook page said: “It just so happens, two foundations situated in Bern — Russian Embassy and the Swiss police — appear to act together.”

Alekhina escaped Russia in April dressed as a food messenger, soon after Shtein had likewise left the country.

The gathering is at present on an Europe visit and should act in Bern on Tuesday night. Not satisfactory whether show will occur, as per Swiss media.

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