4 reasons why the Lakers are more popular than the Clippers

1. None of these teams were created in LA. The Lakers moved in 1960 from Minneapolis, where they had already won the NBA several times. The Clippers are a team from San Diego, but they were not successful even there. The team moved to LA only in 1984, when the Lakers had already formed their own fan base.

2. The Lakers have won the NBA title 17 times. The Clippers have never won the NBA, and never even came close to it. And this year, according to the analysts of BC 1XBET, the application of which can be found at the link, the chances of winning for the “lake” are many times higher.

3. Many basketball icons have played for the Lakers: Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, James Worthy, Shaquille O’Neal, Kobe Bryant and many more. Stars also played in the Clippers, but they did not stay on the team for a long time. Since the Clippers either sought to cash in on young stars, or invited old stars at the end of their careers to raise the team’s ratings with their presence.

4. Lakers games were broadcast on popular channels in the 1980s and 90s, Clippers games weren’t so honored. Now there are new channels of communication, and the Clippers fan base is starting to grow. But in the coming decades, the Clippers will not become more popular than the Lakers.



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